Ahl as-Sunnah wa’l-Jamā‘h

 1. The Ahl as-Sunnat Wal Jama’at is the largest group of Muslims and the only group whose beliefs and teachings are truly in accord ance with the Noble Qur’an and Sunnah of the Most Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam).

2. The beliefs of this group are the same as the beliefs of the Sahaba or Noble Companions of the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa Sallam) and the Salf-e-Saliheen (our great pious predecessors).

3. In many Ahadith,the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) strongly advised the Muslims to follow his Sunnah and to remain steadfast upon the path of his Sahaba, the Salf-e-Saliheen and the majority of Muslims to remain steadfast upon the way of the Ahl-as-Sunnah.

4. The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “I have left two things behind me for you (the Ummah). You will never go astray as long as you follow these two things. One of these two things is Allah’s Holy Book (the Qur’an al-Kareem) and the other is the Sunnah of his Most Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam).” (Muwatta Imam Malik)

5. The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said that after he passes away his Ummah should remain firmly steadfast upon his Sunnah and upon the way of his four Muslim Caliphs. He advised us to follow this Path alone and to be beware of innovations, which contradict the Nobel Qur’an and his Sunnah. (Abu Dawud; Tirmizi)

6. The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Follow the way of the largest group of Muslims! For, he who deviates from this group will be thrown into Hell!” (Ibn Majah) 


1. The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) advised us to remain firm with the largest group of Muslims and remain steadfast upon their way in beliefs and in actions.

2. The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Allah will never allow my Ummah to unite upon misguidance and incorrect beliefs. Allah’s mercy, blessings and protection are with the largest group of Muslims. And he who deviates from this largest group of Muslims will be thrown into Hell.” (Tirmizi)

3. The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “He who deviates from the largest group of Muslims, even as much as a hand span, has himself cut off his connection with Islam”. (Abu Dawud)  


1. The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) clearly warned his Ummah to completely abstain from joining in the gatherings of or listening to the words of any of the other misguided groups that will appear amongst the Muslims, whose beliefs will contradict the beliefs of the largest group of Muslims.

2. The beliefs of the largest group of Muslims will be in accordance with the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) the beliefs of the Sahaba and the Salf-e-Saliheen.

3. The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: ” In the period prior to the Day of Judgement, false and deceitful groups will emerge. They will say things to you, which neither you nor your forefathers will have ever heard before. Stay away from these deceitful people and do not let them come near you!  Do not be misguided by them and do not let them cause strife amongst you!” (Sahih Muslim)


1. The concept of the Muslim nation separating into 73 sects, is taken from authentic Ahadith such as the following related by Hadrat Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu):“The Messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: ‘The Jews separated into 71 sects, and the Christians into 72, and my nation will divide into 73 sects.’” (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

2. The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Seventy-two (of the 73 sects of the Muslim nation) will be in the fire, and only one will be in Paradise; it is the Jama’ah (i.e. Ahl-as Sunnah Wa Jamaah).” (Abi Dawud, Ad-Darimi, Ahmad)

3. There is another narration which states:”The Companions asked: ‘Which sect will triumph (i.e. achieve salvation)?’ The Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) replied: ‘The sect which adheres to that (set of beliefs and practices) which I and my Companions adhere to.’”

4. It should be clear from these Ahadith that the one sect, out of the 73, which is to gain salvation, is the Ahl-as Sunnah Wa Jamaah, the only segment of the Muslim community which adheres to that which the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) and his Companions (radi Allahu anhum) adhered to. 


1. Ghawth-al A’zam, Hadrat Shaykh Abd’al Qadir al-Jilani (radi allahu anhu) states: “There are 73 groups as foretold by Sayyiduna Rasoolallah (Salla Allahu alaihi wa Sallam) and (bear in mind that), the Ahl as-Sunnat wal Jama’at was the rightful group”. (Ghunyatut Taalibeen)

2. Imam al-Ghazzali (radi Allahu anhu) writes: “The Ahl as-Sunnat Wal Jama’at is the successful Firqah (group) and it is this Firqa which weighs or determines its thoughts and its according to the scales of the Noble Qur’an”. (Mujarribaate Imam Ghazal)

3. Hadrat Shah Wali’ullah Muhaddith Dehlawi (radi Allahu anhu) states: “As Rasulallah (Salla Allahu alaihi wa Sallam) has stated, follow this ‘Sawad al-A’zam’, and when the four Madhabs are within the Sawad al-A’zam then the following of any one of them, is followance of the Sawad al-A’zam. Therefore, refuting any one of them is refuting the Sawad al-A’zam”. (Aqdul Jayyad)

4. Imam Sufyan Souri (radi Allahu anhu) states,“By Sawad al- A’zam is meant those who are called the Ahl as-Sunnah W’al  Jama’ah”. (Al Mizaanul Qubra) 

5. Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith Dehlawi (radi Allahu anhu) states in his book “Fatawa Azeezi” (Vol. 2, pg. 4) that:“The various parts of the Ahl as-Sunnat Wal Jama’at in Aqaa’id such as the Ash’ariya, the Maaturadi, in Fiqh such as the Hanifa, the Shafi’i,the Hambali, in Tasawwaf  such as the Qaderi, the Chisti, Naqshabandi, the Suhurwardi, this servant considers all of them to be the truth”.

6. Imam Rabbani, Mujaddid Alif Thaani (radi allahu anhu) states in the second chapter, page 67 of his “Maktubaat Shareef” that: “The way of salvation is followance of the Ahl as-Sunnat Wal Jama’at. May Almighty Allah Ta’ala bestow blessings upon the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama’at, in their speech, in their actions, laws, for this is the successful group.Besides this, all other groups have become victims of deception. Today, nobody realises how much these misled groups will be punished, however, on the Day of Qiyamah this secret will become apparent. Even though at that time this knowledge will be of no benefit to the misled.” 

88 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Muhammad Rashid said,

    I am follower of Ahle e Sunnah. Problem is that deviante group Deobandi/Wahabi/Najdi they call themself as Ahle e Sunnah. I know that this is deviant group from Ahle e Sunnah. Problem is then how we can distinguish us from them. What I can ask them to proof ourself as Ahle e Sunnah and proof them as Deviant Group of Ahle e Sunnah.

    Muhammad Rashid

    • 2

      hamro said,

      Mr Rashid you are follower of Ahle Sunnah very fine and Deobandis/Wahabi/Najdi are not Ahle Sunnah very good if they call themselves Sunnis whats the problem with you its fine your group is gainer.What i want to emphasize is we all are followers of Prophet Mohammed SAW of Arabia he has given to his Ummah his life and taught us to be a good practising Muslim so kindly follow the Holy Prophets commandments you will be successful or you deviate from mainstream of Islam to form AHLE & AHLE & AHLEs prove to be a true believer Momin Musalman follower of Mohammed SAW.

  2. 3

    Malik said,

    This is what a mate of mine wrote as a reply to a simillar question to yours. Although it’s a little basic and general, it still manages to tackle the main issues. It’s good for the youngsters and those who don’t have much knowledge about Islam, such as the vocabulary, methods, etc.

    Ok here it is:

    Assalamu Alaikum,

    Firstly, you should focus on yourself and leave the other aspects such as deviant groups to scholar’s.

    However, when you have learned your fiqh then you may want to learn about other groups so that you can educate those around you.


    This is very simple. They are lairs. They want to confuse the mass public about their real background.

    They call us “ahle bid’ah”

    If those ignorants actually bothered to read the books of the 4 Imams (May Allah be pleased with them), and early Awliya’s such as Hazrat Datta Ganjbaksh, Imam Gazhali, Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Hazrat Bayazid Bastami, Hazrat Junaid al-Baghdadi (May Allah be pleased with them), and so many more, they will see that these great Awliyas have the same opinions as as the current Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamma’ah.

    If we (the current Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamma’ah) have the same opinions as the early generation of Muslims, then how can the Wahhabis call us “Ahle Bid’ah”?


    The Deobandi’s claim to be the real Sunni’s in the Sub-continent. Well lets test this against the Arab Sunnis, who the Deobandis claim to follow.

    1) Arab Sunni’s accept the permissibility of Mawlid/Milad – Deobandi’s and Wahhabis don’t

    2) Arab Sunni’s accept the concept of Hazir o Nazir for the Prophet (Sallal Lahu Alaihi Wassalam) – Deobandi’s and Wahhabis don’t

    3) Arab Sunni’s say Ya Nabi (Sallal Lahu Alaihi Wassalam) – Deobandi’s and Wahhabis don’t

    4) Arab Sunni’s believe that Allah Ta’ala has granted the Sweet Beloved Prophet (Sallal Lahu Alaihi Wa Salam) with the knowledge of the unseen (Ilm e Ghaib) – Deobandi’s and Wahhabis don’t

    So, as you can see here, the deobandi’s (who claim to be Sunnis) actually take the side of the Wahhabi’s in these four key aspects that differentiates a Sunni from a Wahhabi. Alhamdu’Lillah, the true Sunni’s of the Sub-continent, or if you like, Brelwis, accept the above four, therefore adhering to the way of traditional Sunni’s.

    Recently, Deobandi supporters just refer to the article by Shaykh Nuh Mim Keller. However, aside from more complex issues, the Shaykh made some elementary mistakes.

    1) Scholars always tell us to learn Arabic so that we can understand things better. So why didn’t Shaykh Nuh learn Urdu? Surely, to understand the huge Deo/Brelwi conflict, one can only make proper analysis if they firstly learn the language of the people concerned, which is Urdu.

    2) Shaykh Nuh only read a small percentage of the material. This material was translated into English (thus losing some meanings).

    3) Shaykh Nuh didn’t fully read both sides of the story

    4) Crucially, the two people that translated the material are from a Deobandi background. So, where is the neutrality that the Deobandis claim?

    The current discussion is undoubtedly an issue of extreme importance to the Ahl as-Sunnah w’al Jama’ah. We welcome Shaykh Nuh’s attempt’s to understand the disputes between the Ahl as-Sunnah w’al Jama’ah & the Deobandi-Tablighi movement but deeply saddened by the outcome of his research in his essay. The dispute is certainly over a decade old & one that will not be decided or concluded based on a contemporary Scholar’s review

    Also, ask those in the know why certain Ahle Sunnah Ulema’s from the Arab/Hijaz/Shaam areas have shut down their websites?




    If you ask most prominent Sunni Shaykhs from the Arab area that have knowledge of the Deo/Brelwi issue, they will tell you that Shyakh Nuh made a mistake with the Takfir article.

    I have met some great Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamma’ah Ulemas from the Arab/Sham area, and they clearly support the Brelwi’s and say that the Deobandi’s have deviated. However, most don’t want to say anything at the moment. However, some Ulema such as Shaykh GF Haddad and Shaykh Hisham Kabbani clearly show their support for Brelwi’s over the deviated Deobandi’s.

    PS: My intention was not to say anything bad about Shaykh Nuh Mim Keller. I just wanted to show that the Deobandi’s new main source of defence has some key flaws.

  3. 4

    Hashim Rafi Qadri Attari said,

    Ahle Hadith/Wahhabi ‘Alim praising Ala Hazrat Imam Ahl as-Sunnah Mawlana Shaykh Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri al-Baraylawi al-Hindi (Rahimahullah Wa Radhiy Allahu ‘Anhu) and Sayyid Abul ‘Ala al-Mawdudi (Amir al-Awwal Jam’ah al-Islami Pakistan)

  4. 5

    Feesabeelillah said,

    If a muslim follows the Qur’an & Sunnah, He is counted as part of ‘Ahl As-Sunnah’, But he himself doesn’t say that, he says that he is a muslim.

    Many people are misguided into following the four Imaams – Abu Haneefah, Imaam Maalik, Ash-Shaafi’ee and Ahmad Ibn Hanbal.
    We need to understand that there beleifs and actions were only according to the Sunnah, And if they couldn’t find it in the Sunnah, THEN! they would give their own opinions. This is because all Ahaadeeth weren’t compiled then and only few Saheeh Hadith Reached them.

    Wa ‘Alaykum Us-Salaam

  5. 6

    Haider said,

    Just one little problem here, where is the EVIDENCE!

    You should be carefull when falsely criticising the pious people of the past.

  6. 7

    harunrasid said,


  7. 8

    Haider said,

    As’salamu ‘alaykum,

    I don’t quite understand what you are asking for.

    Do you want to some websites where you can purchase these books from?

    Or books that are you can download from the Internet on PDF format?

  8. 9

    Abba Abdullah said,

    If you are not in the Ahlus sunnah camp, how could you enjoy serving Allah. May Allah reward you abundantly for popagating te Deeeeen.

  9. 10

    warsi said,

    SubhanAllah ….

    please may U add my http://www.sunninews.wordpress.com in ur link list .


  10. 11

    Haider said,

    As’salamu ‘alaykum,

    Sufi Sahib, I have added your blog to my links under the name “Spreading the Sunni point of View”.

  11. 12

    warsi said,

    Jazakallah Sher-e-Ghusia..
    I am not able to be a Sufi. I am asimple Muslims trying to save myself from Gunahs.

    Pray for me.

    Shahnawaz Warsi

  12. 13

    Haider said,

    I pray that all of us become true Sufis by following the way shown to us by the Beloved Nabi (Sall’Allahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa’alihi Wa’sallam) and the Awliya Allah (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhum Ajma’een). Ameen.

  13. 14

    Tariq said,

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu!

    I would like to share my Islamic work with everybody. Please see my Islamic work at: http://www.scribd.com/people/view/340321-morning-star

    Thanks. Allah Hafiz.

  14. 15

    Aishah said,

    Assalamu alaikum.
    One thing which concerns me; Dont the Barelwis give Allahs attributes to Muhammad(peace be upon him)? Dont they make out that Muhammad is the Ever-living and that he is the All-hearing?
    Im sorry, im not trying to offend anyone, im just interested.
    Can you please clear this up for me.
    Walaikum Salam.

  15. 16

    Haider said,

    Walaykum as’alaam,

    Firstly there is no such thing a “Barelwis”. Can you show me any belief that is different between the so called “Barelwis” and Sunni’s from places like Yemen, Syria, etc?

    Great Shayks of our time like Shaykh al Yaqoubi al Hassani, Shaykh bin Yahya al Ninowy, Shaykh Habib al Jifri, Shaykh Habib Umar, Shayk Nazim, Sidi Hamza Yusuf and so on all:

    – Recite Salawat standing up – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfhkOL_Up1Q&feature=related

    – Celebrate Mawlid – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n_dikNnsS8

    – Say Ya Rasool’Allah – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncQi1FGYL9U

    – Accept Hadir and Nadir for the Holy Prophet (sall’Allahu alayhi wassalam) – Article by an Arab Scholar -http://www.livingislam.org/fiqhi/fiqha_e29.html

    These are some of the greatest Sholars living living today, but they are not “Barelwis”.

    Those evil people who label people just to protect there own corrupt beliefs will always come up with something to hide the Haq.

    Hope this make sense. May Allah Ta’ala reward you for wanting to learn, and may He guide us all. Ameen.

    Ya Nabi salamo alayka, salawa’tula alayka

    • 17

      hamro said,

      you fu… muslims 1430 years have passed Deen has completly reached to Ummah through Last Nabi & Rasool..still you havent decided who is true MUSALMAAN.
      BUILDING…is not to be discussed
      my dear brothers its 22nd century think of uniting the UMMAH OF THE BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMED SALALLAHHOALAIHEWASSALLAM.
      Who have given u the right to fight among MUSLIMS calling kafirs to Muslims..r u above the Rasool.
      Hold the rope of ALLAH(QURAN) and the SUNNAH of MUHAMMED (saw) UMMAH will never go astray.
      You illiterate bunch of people GOLD is flowing and all are running to snatch the coal.
      May Allah give HIDAYAT to all MUSLIMS and HUMANITY.
      Proud to be a MUSALMAAN.

  16. 18

    Syed Waqar said,

    Helo brother!
    I am in gr8 confusion!
    Are the Deobandis in right way if not then wt is da evidence!

    Why Barelwis do Milad as their is no evidence of Hadith?

    Why Ahle Hadith telling we Sunni are wrong and we r not Ahle Sunnah Wal Jaamah. They say they are Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaah. They are misguiding less knowledgable people like young students or workers. They say all gr8 Ulama are wrong and only some of their scholars are right. In some cases they give evidence of Dr.Zakir Naik.

    What is goin on?

    Is Dr.Zakir Ahle Hadith? I want to see Dr.Zakir’s Namaz video?

    Plz give answers of following my Questions!
    Brother there should be a mutual conference between Four Madhab, Wahabis, Salafis, Ahle Hadith, Deobandis and Barelwis must be!


    • 19

      hamro said,

      Brother iwas totally ignorant muslim and have done my education in Christian Catholic schools i thank Christians they made me a good human being and a true muslim.But in between came the masla of Deobandi & Brelvi who the hell are they no authority has been given to them by Allah authority belongs to Holy Prophet of Islam so please go through Quran the Rope of Allah and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet the Hadith you will never go astray.Leave Deobandi & Brelvi fight still not decided who is true Musalam among themseleves what benefit will they give to the Ummah of Muhammed SAW.Unite as Muslims no need to follow the sects it is nowhere advised by the true authorities of Islam the Holy prophet or His companions.Seek knowledge from mothers lap to the grave you will get success in this world and in the hereafter.Be proud to be called a Musalman.

  17. 20

    Haider said,

    Walaykum as’salaam,

    I’ll try to answer your questions, Insha’Allah.

    1) Well, it’s up to you who think is right and wrong. You have to ask yourself, since all the Sunnis around the world celebrate Milad, why don’t the Deobandis celebrate Milad as well. Is it hypocrisy?

    Regarding the term “Barelwi”, read my previous piece(comment 15) Insha’Allah.

    2) Here are just 2 of many evidences for the permissibility of Milad/Mawlid:

    – The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) also specified his own birthday in the same way. In a Hadith narrated by Abu Qatada Ansari [ra], he reports that Allah (SWT)’s Messenger (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) was asked about fasting on Monday, whereupon he said: ‘It is (the day) when I was born and revelation was sent down to me.’ [Sahih Muslim, Book 6, Number 2606].

    – The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) himself celebrated his Milad. In a Hadith narrated by Anas [ra] contained in Sunan of Imam Bayhaqi,[vol.9 p.300 no.43], [also mentioned by Imam Tabrani, Imam Zahbi, Imam Asqalani in Fath ul Bari and Imam Haythami] states that the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) sacrificed some animals and did an aqiqa for himself after the announcement of his Prophethood.

    3) The Ahle Hadith are also known as Salafi or Wahhabi. They have many corrupt beliefs and have insulted The Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and his Family. For example, if you search on youtube you will see DR Zakir Naiks speech where he praises Yazid, the person who was responsible for the martyr of Imam Hussain (Radi Allahu Anhu).

    Finally, in one famous narration, we are told to follow the majority. Alhamdulillah, the Ahle Sunnah are the majority and are on Haq.

  18. 21

    uzair said,

    As-salaamu ‘alaykum.

    In regards to the first point #4 (Hadith on two things to hold on to), do you have a more specific reference? A similar hadith in Sahih Muslim states that it’s the Qur’an and ahl al-bayt (Family of the prophet):
    Sahih Muslim
    Book 031, Number 5920:

    Yazid b. Hayyan reported, I went along with Husain b. Sabra and ‘Umar b. Muslim to Zaid b. Arqam and, as we sat by his side, Husain said to him: Zaid. you have been able to acquire a great virtue that you saw Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) listened to his talk, fought by his side in (different) battles, offered prayer behind me. Zaid, you have in fact earned a great virtue. Zaid, narrate to us what you heard from Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him). He said: I have grown old and have almost spent my age and I have forgotten some of the things which I remembered in connection with Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him), so accept whatever I narrate to you, and which I do not narrate do not compel me to do that. He then said: One day Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) stood up to deliver sermon at a watering place known as Khumm situated between Mecca and Medina. He praised Allah, extolled Him and delivered the sermon and. exhorted (us) and said: Now to our purpose. O people, I am a human being. I am about to receive a messenger (the angel of death) from my Lord and I, in response to Allah’s call, (would bid good-bye to you), but I am leaving among you two weighty things: the one being the Book of Allah in which there is right guidance and light, so hold fast to the Book of Allah and adhere to it. He exhorted (us) (to hold fast) to the Book of Allah and then said: The second are the members of my household I remind you (of your duties) to the members of my family. He (Husain) said to Zaid: Who are the members of his household? Aren’t his wives the members of his family? Thereupon he said: His wives are the members of his family (but here) the members of his family are those for whom acceptance of Zakat is forbidden. And he said: Who are they? Thereupon he said: ‘Ali and the offspring of ‘Ali, ‘Aqil and the offspring of ‘Aqil and the offspring of Ja’far and the offspring of ‘Abbas. Husain said: These are those for whom the acceptance of Zakat is forbidden. Zaid said: Yes.

    Of course the ahl al-bayt of our time also say to follow ahl as-sunnah wal-jama’
    by Habib Umar (rahimuLlah) and also by As-sayyid Sheikh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi:

  19. 22

    uzair said,

    Sorry, should have mentioned the hadith I quoted above is from http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/muslim/031.smt.html

  20. 23

    Haider said,

    As’salamu ‘alaykum,

    Good input.

    I have also heard the narration. I’m not sure, but I think Shaykh Sayyid al Ninowy has done a talk (on a Q & A session) on this subject.

    If I find the audio I’ll try to post it, Inhsa’Allah Aza wa jal.

    Barakh’Allah fi

  21. 24

    mohammed said,

    alhamdulillah very useful information on ur website for our jamaat(ahle sunnat ul jamaat).may allah reward u .

  22. 25

    mohammed said,


    i m lookin for authentic(ahle sunnat ul jamaat) websites which contains hadiths and stories of prophets of islam(adam a.s,noah a.s,ibrahim a.s ….to our beloved prophet mohammed (s a w s).
    please help me
    Barakh’Allah fi

  23. 27

    mohammed said,

    Who is Ashraf thanvi and Gangohi ?
    If i m not wrong they r the originators of deobandi sect.
    But brother i read a book called NOOR UL MOHAMMEDI written by Ashraf thanvi in which he is giving daleel of hadees and saying that Prophet Mohammed (p b u b) is NOOR.(which is very much true as v all Ahle sunnat ul jamaat believe)

    • 28

      Sadaqat Mahamood said,

      What are the meaning of “ana bushrum muslokum, uha iliya” Quran that I am like you a bashar(human being) the difference between me and you is only that I am getting wahi from Almighty Allah.

  24. 29

    mohammed said,

    Assalamu alaikum brother,

    Please clear my confusion over these persons Ashraf thanvi and Gangohi.
    They belong to which jamaat ?n r they right or wrong i mean do they follow Ahle sunnat ul jamaat ?

  25. 30

    mohammed said,


  26. 31

    Haider said,

    Walaykum as’salam,

    Ashraf thanvi and Gangohi followed mostly the way of the Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama’ah. However, they had some beliefs which are contrary to the mainstream Sunni views. These individuals also said certain things which are blasphemous, hence why takfir was declared on them by the major Ahle Sunnah Ulema of the time. This is why these 2 indaviduals are considered to be out of the Ahle Sunnah path, which is why they’re sect is called “Deoband” or “Deobandi”.

    Further reading:





    These are some of the statements of the Deobandi scholars:

    – “Allah can speak lies”. (”Barahine Qaatia” by Khaleel Ambetwi; “Yakrozi” by Ismaeel Dehlwi; “Fatawa Rasheedia” by Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi).

    – The Ummah sometimes supercede the Ambiya in A’maal (Good deeds). (”Tahzeerun Naas” by Qasim Nanotwi)

    – To think of an ox and donkey in Salaah is permissible, but to think of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in Salaah is Shirk (Polytheism). (”Seerate Mustaqeem” by Ismaeel Dehlwi)

    – The knowledge of the Prophet is like children and animals. The knowledge of Shaitaan is more than the Prophet. To say that the Prophet possessed ‘Ilm-e-Ghayb or Knowledge of the Unseen, is Shirk. (”Hifzul Imaan” by Ashraf Ali Thanwi; “Barahine Qaatia”; “Fatawa Rasheedia”)

    – The illusion of illusionists are greater than the Miracle of Prophets. (”Mansab-e-Imaamat”)

    The downfall of the deobandi elders was that they penned kufria statements due to misguided beliefs and when asked to they failed to repent, hence fatwa of kufr had to be given without choice.

    Sidi, you decide if these statements are pat of the Ahle Sunnah or not.

    Saying all this, it is important to remember that we should concentrate on ourselves than constantly talking about others.

    Insha’Allah Aza wa jal, this will answer your question.

  27. 32

    mohammed said,

    Assalamu alaikum brother,

    thx a lot for ur answer.

  28. 33

    mohammed said,

    Assalamu alaikum brother,

    i want to know about deobandis and tableeghi jamaat.Are they both same ?i know about deobandis and their fitnas but i want to know about their relation with tableeghi jamaat.

    allah hafiz

  29. 34

    Haider said,

    Walaykum as’salam,

    “Deobandi” is the sect and the Tablighi Jama’at is an organisation from that sect. So they are both the same.

  30. 35

    mohammed said,

    Assalamu alaikum brother,

    Thx a lot bro.May Allah taala reward u for ur excellent deeni work.I hav many questions but i wlll ask u after ramadhan.Do remember me ur duas.

    allah hafiz

  31. 36

    joelma said,

    I love that site and I think I will learn a lot here!

  32. 37

    Haider said,

    Mohammed, Jazak’Allahu khayran

    Joelma, Insha’Allah Aza wa jal I will also learn from you.

  33. 38

    mohammed said,

    Assalamu alaikum brother,

    i m confused about yazeed role in karbala.i heard lecture by dr tahir ul quadri sahab and he is sayin that yazeed was responsible and he took pride in the matrydom of hadrat hussain r a .but i opened a link from ur website and the information their is supportin yazeed.


  34. 39

    Haider said,

    Walaykum as’salam,

    Dr Tahir-ul Qadri Sahib is right. Yazid (Curse of Allah be on him) was indeed responsible for the martyrdom of the Prince of Heaven Imam al Hussain (radi Allahu Ta’ala anhu).

    The link just shows yazids reaction afterwards. Although it’s not on that site many Scholars throughout history have mentioned many of his actions and words were false and was just a trick to fool people.

  35. 40

    mohammed said,

    Assalamu alaikum brother,

    Thx brother.May ALLAH (s w t) reward u for ur grt wrk n in helping out people like me.Yaqi i read a lot about islam now a days but it was not like this before.I used to read about world history,astronomy,mysterious places but now since the last one year i m keen on reading and learning about islam.Alhamdullilah i m a sunni.But i was little confused in the beginning over other misled sects.I have got many questions if u dont mind wil u answer them in the near future?thx a lot again.take care.

    Allah hafiz

  36. 41

    Haider said,

    Walaykum as’salam Sidi,

    Although I have very little knowledge, I will try to answer your questions, Insha’Allah Aza wa jal.

    May Allah Ta’ala provide you success in your quest for the Sacred Knowledge.

  37. 42

    niqaab said,

    Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

    Assallamu’Alaykum wa Rahmatullah

    I have followed this blog for sometime & spent incalcuble time reserching other material visual, audio, much reliable passages have been covered on my serch and aqusition for Ilm and after much toil i have become to understand that there is much evidences to embark on the school of brelvi’s or deobandis Rasool Allah s.a.w did not stipulate a paticular amal for his noble birthday nor did the khulifah Rashideen ra, everyone can produce their own evidence to enforse their own ideals because Rasool Allah s.a.w was seen by diffrent sahabah doing diffrent things some seen salah with shoes some without some times after sleeping prayed with wudu sometimes without.
    These are diffrences we have to accept live with & understand as a ummahwe are one but in relashion to many sectors of our deen there will be various narrations. I have spent time with much learned Ulema and their very outlook on these variations is with humility & Rahmah and not to mention Hikamh built on Taqwa developed over years of tutelage in Darul Ulooms with head buried in kitaabs from the noble days or Allah’s Beloved s.a.w before one ask’s whats my point i just wanted to bring clarity to a statement which echo’s in this blog and other’s alike salafi’s and deobandis are not kafir for a muslim to utter such diatribe is a grave sin they are our brother’s, Just as Rasool’Allah showed such compassion on animals on jews how can we ever aquire power to outcast or decide who belongs in this deen of Allah. i dont agree with many groups out there but there was much iktilaaf with even sahabah just now as i pour my heart on this keyboard i recall when Hadhrat Abu Bakr was on his death bed a sahabi was saying fear Allah Abu Bakr how could you leave Umar as a khalif” also when traveling there was a group of sahabah and half fasted half did not and not one sahabi questioned another they were so pure and full of knowledge they did not even question each tother they were bound by the kitaab of Allah & they were the embodiment of ishq for Nabi Kareem. please be compassionate that is a integral charicteristic of Islam a sunnah of Allah & His messenger i sat amongst deobandi’s and i saw obedience to Allah & true lover’s of deen and in other groups!!!!!!1

  38. 43

    Haider said,

    Walaykum as’salam Niqaab,

    Although there are some small parts of your piece I don’t agree with, I do agree with the generals of it.

    Differences of opinions are permissible as this is one of the blessings given to this Ummah. But you must also remember on certain issues there is no room for differences.

    Someone can call himself Shia, Wahhabi, Salafi, Deobandi and so on, but it does not mean anything on it’s own. The important aspect people should remember is that it is not what someone calls himself (or herself), but what his/her beliefs (Aqida) are.

    People must also remember we should dislike the sin/wrong beliefs and not the person. It should not be a personal battlefield.

    Although we should be good towards others, it does not mean we should compromise with individuals who hold wrong beliefs. The honour and status of Allah Ta’ala and His sweet Beloved Prophet (Sallal’Lahu ‘alaihi wa’salam) is more important than anyone and everything.

  39. 44

    HASAN said,


  40. 45

    dhakir said,

    im a sunni muslim, following the madhab of imam abu hanifa, the books and the scholars i speak generally are affilated somehow with deoband. i dont classify myself as deobandi or barelvi, because i think its crazy! hanafis follow mainly the maturidi aqeeda, somemay follow ashari, or both nowadays. these madhabs of aqeeda make up ahlus sunnah wal jama’a. thus if we all follow the hanfi madhab and the same aqeeda, how can we announce ppl as kaafirs? there are maturidi aqeeda books aout there, i know of an english one now called fiqh al akbar by imam abu hanifa, im sure no hanaifs will disagree with whats in here, all these extra little things that we make so big, like how much knowledge does the prophet s.a.w have, is not really something worth fighting about and i doubt something we will be asked baout in the here after. the greayt scholars of the past like imam bu yusuf and imam shafi and imam ghazali warned us to be careful when dwelling into aqeeda, as it can create questions in ourselves and lead to kufr.this is what i see as happening, i dont like it.i soemtimes pray in a barelvi masjid, but i dnt care, they hanafis so not gonna tel me impraying wrong like them wahabbis do.


  41. 46

    Shahid said,

    i live in london…. do you come london and give islamic speech in london? if you do then where about?

  42. 47

    Haider said,

    As’salamu ‘alaykum,

    I neither have the knowledge or ijaza (permission) to give speeches.

    I’m afraid I’m an ignorant person who has very little knowledge. If I attempted to try my luck out in giving speeches, I would only succeed in embarrassing myself.

    Apart from a few small attempts of my own, most of the material are produced by others, which include my teachers. I am just like a parrot, merely attempting to repeat the words of the learned.

  43. 48

    Wasim Akram Shaik said,

    Dear Brothers,

    Assalamualikum,You Need not get confused over any jamaah or sect. Just Read Quraan and follow authenticated hadiths, no one in this world till qayama’h can change them. Donot fight in any aspects, first look at yourself how much knowledge you posess regarding islam and how much do u follow? Its YOU who is going to stand in front o Allah, not any jamaah. Its YOU who is supposed to Enter not any Jamaah. Insha Allah, there is hope from ALLAH TA’ALA, this whole ummah will enter jannah by the GRACE of ALLAH. Jazallahu Anna Muhammadan Ma huwa Ahluhu Sollellahu alaihi wasallam… Jazakallah..

  44. 49

    Haamed Pasha said,

    Response to : Wasim Akram Shaik

    You are absolutely correct in telling blantly that read Quran and follow authenticated hadis. To understand the terminology of Quran and Hadis we need to follow a tutor i.e. Pir or Sheikh Tariqat. If it is so easy to follow Quran – then there was no need for Nabi or Rasool to be sent by Allah (swt). Fundamentals of learning is to have a teacher or guide who can you the path or make you understand the teachings.

    Let us take non-Arabic speaking people, what are they understanding – are the understanding the real Quranic verses or the translation of Dr. Hamidullah or Moulan Maddudi or Pithall… Even the Arabic speaking sahabi ajmain said they cannot understand the quranic language unless explained by Prophet Mohammed (saw).

    Inshallah all Muslim whether good or bad will enter Jannah – reference to Ayat ul Kursi – Inshallah with intercession of Prophete Mohammed (Shafi) we will be in Jannah one day..

    These are my views…

  45. 50

    riaz gahlot said,

    salaam, i m a sunni muslim but a staunch believer & follower of the holy prophet & his ahle bait. but recently i ve been under tremendous pain,agony to know that a lot of ppl from the deobandi sects are out to malign the intentions of the holy IMAM during the tragedy of kerbala and some has even gone to the extent of giving clean chit to yazid (may Allah curse him)i would like you good self to throwsome light regarding this. i sincerely hope that i would get a response from u pretty soon.

    riaz gahlot, mumbai

  46. 51

    Haider said,


    Apologies for the late reply. I have been busy with preparation for Ashura.

    I have had a few discussions with those in support of yazid (may Allah curse him). You can read them here:

    Zakir Naik :Misinterpreting Ala Hazrat’s (R.A) Fatwa

    Hope this helps, Insha’Allah Azzawajal.

    May AllahTa’ala reward you. Ameen.

  47. 52

    Noor Mustafa said,

    I like the site, i want to passed something which Alhamdulla by the grace of ALMIGHTY ALLAH i understand.
    First think is ALLAH and Second is the MESSENGER prophet (Sallalah ailaiwasallam). ALLAH want everybody to reach to him so he send messenger, Message is coming from Jabrayel (Alae salam) and Messanger is Prophet (Sallalah ailaiwasallam). The aim is to know ALLAH but remmember the rout is Prophet (Sallalah ailaiwasallam). The work of messenger is passed the message from and to, so he is the link between the two i.e. ALLAH and people. So messanger is not human, though he is in the form of human, but come to this world to pass the message of ALLAH to all humanity.
    ALLAH give us true knowledge and show us right path Amin

  48. 53

    zahra said,

    just wanted to say alhamdulillah, you’re doing a brilliant job.
    may Allah reward you for upholding the flag of the Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat.

    Eid Miladun Nabi Mubarak!

  49. 54

    Haider said,

    Zahra, khayr mubarak!

  50. 55

    AbuAlqamah said,

    Salam aleykum

    Tafeer Jalalayn on Ilmul Ghayb

    Shifa Qadhi Iyad

    Edit: Links removed due to the them hosting articles insulting great personalities such as Mevlānā Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī (radi Allahu ta’ala anh’).

  51. 56

    Haider said,


    Abu Al qamah, you posted the same things on Yanabi.com and you got good enough replies.

    Just for the sake of argument if we accept your links, it does not make a difference. Imam Suyuti (Alayhi rahma) is not the sole representative of the Ahle Sunnah. Anyway, since your quick to attach a great scholar to your ways of thought, can I ask you one question? Do you accept Imam Suyuti’s stance on the Mawlid-un-Nabi (Sall’Allahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa’alihi Wa’sallam)?

  52. 57

    Ch. Muhammad Tariq Gujjar said,

    Dear Haider Bhai,


    I read all comments on this site and i appreciated your good and brilliant comments on every questions. Allah Bless You.. Ameen.

    I have one question, the question is that Brailvi follow the Imam Hanifa R.A, but Devbandi also follow the rules of Imam Abu Hanifa R.A… so my question is why so many changes in this 2 Jammat even the Imam is 1. So why are the difference of both 2 Jammat even both are believe on Imam Abu Hanifa R.A.

    Thanks with regards,

    Ch. Muhammad Tariq Gujjar

    Tara Jee

    • 58

      Haider said,

      Walaykum as’salam Ch. Muhammad Tariq Gujja Sahib,

      Jazak’Allah for your dua.

      We follow Imam Abu Hanifa (radi Allahu anhu’) in matters of fiqh’. And, as you will probably know, differences of opinion are allowed in areas of fiqh’. That is why you see people praying differently, some taking pictures whilst others are not, etc. Alhamdulillah, these differences are a source of mercy from Allah Ta’ala, and we should respect each other’s views and opinions on matters relating to Fiqh’. Since differences of opinion is allowed in matters of fiqh’, the split is down to another reason.

      However, when it comes to our Aqida (creed or belief) there is no room for differences of opinion. There are a few exceptions, but these are mainly concerned with minute details within a certain belief.

      The reason for the separation of the Deobandi sect from mainstream Sunni Muslims is due to the differences in Aqidah. I will list a few from a previous post, Insha’Allah:

      1) Sunnis accept the concept of Hazir o Nazir for the Beloved Prophet (Sallal Lahu Alaihi Wassalam) – Deobandi’s do not

      2) Sunnis believe Sayyiduna Rasool’Allah (Sallal Lahu Alaihi Wassalam) can hear us, hence why we say Ya Nabi (Sallal Lahu Alaihi Wassalam) – Deobandi’s do not

      3) Sunnis believe that Allah Ta’ala has granted the Sweet Beloved Prophet (Sallal Lahu Alaihi Wa Salam) with the knowledge of the unseen (Ilm e Ghaib) – Deobandi’s do not

      On top of these, some Deobandis have made comments about our Beloved Prophet (Sallal Lahu Alaihi Wassalam) that are derogatory. If you want to see for yourself, I’m sure you can get hold of these material if you search for them. However, some Sunnis make the mistake of claiming every Deobandi makes such comments, which is incorrect. The reality is that the Deobandi elders have written derogatory statements about our Beloved Prophet (Sallal Lahu Alaihi Wassalam) and the followers of this sect stick by them and follow them. Some even knowingly leave out the controversial lines when the books that these statements are in are either re-printed or translated.

      Although, I have said differences in Fiqh are allowed, one still needs to be careful of his opinions, judgements and the way he proclaims these views. For example, some Deobandis have compared Urs celebrations to nightclubs (Allah Forbid!). Clearly, this is wrong and is not the right way of doing things.

  53. 59

    Ch. Muhammad Tariq Gujjar said,

    Asslam-o-Alaikum Haider Bhai, thank you so much for your good reply, just tell me that Imam Abu Hanifa believe that points hereunder as you mentioned:- If Imam Sahib believed so why Devband do not believed even they are also called hanfi?

    1) Sunnis accept the concept of Hazir o Nazir for the Beloved Prophet (Sallal Lahu Alaihi Wassalam) – Deobandi’s do not

    2) Sunnis believe Sayyiduna Rasool’Allah (Sallal Lahu Alaihi Wassalam) can hear us, hence why we say Ya Nabi (Sallal Lahu Alaihi Wassalam) – Deobandi’s do not

    3) Sunnis believe that Allah Ta’ala has granted the Sweet Beloved Prophet (Sallal Lahu Alaihi Wa Salam) with the knowledge of the unseen (Ilm e Ghaib) – Deobandi’s do not….

    Awaiting Your Reply…

    With Regards,

    Ch. Muhammad Tariq
    Tara Jee

  54. 60

    Haider said,

    Walaykum as’salam Ch. Muhammad Tariq Gujja Sahib,

    As I have pointed out above, the difference is in Aqidah, and not Fiqh’. We follow Imam Abu Hanifa (radi Allahu anhu’) in matters relating to Fiqh’, because this is the area he specialised in. Since the matter at hand is relating to Aqidah, following a Madhab or an Imam like Imam Abu Hanifa (radi Allahu anhu’) does not automatically render one as a Sunni. This is why Hanafi Sunnis and Deobandis read Namaz (Salah) the same way, do Wudhu the same way, etc.

    So, to answer your question; the Deobandis follow Imam Abu Hanifa (radi Allahu anhu’) in areas of Fiqh’ and not in Aqidah, hence why following his Fiqh’ does not mean one automatically follows his Aqidah as well. In saying that, if you read some of the books written by Imam Abu Hanifa (radi Allahu anhu’) or his students (and their students as well) you will see that some of the Deobandi Aqidah (beliefs) are against what are written in these collection of works.

    Insha’Allah, this makes sense.

  55. 61

    Ch. Muhammad Tariq Gujjar said,

    Asslam-o-Alaikum Haider Bhai, hope u are fine, thanx a lot for your really good comments, now i know the difference about two Jammat, We follow the Aqidah and devbandi follow the Fiqah…. Thank you so much…..

    Best Regards,

    Allah Hafiz

    Muhammad Tariq

    Tara Jee

  56. 62

    imanwala said,

    Janab why do you delete my comments lets not do that but exchange ideas on Islamic views.

  57. 63

    Haider said,

    imanwala, I’m afraid your countless copy and pasted materials had to be deleted as they do not benefit anyone. They are full of hatred, ignorance and lack compassion when dealing with sensitive matters.

    You want people to unite, yet you insult our pious predecessors, our Imams and the Awliya Allah. You go on about following the Sunnah, but the articles you pasted go against the Sunnah, in terms of morals and ethics. Those articles are stained with lies, deviance, and misguidance.

  58. 64

    imanwala said,

    Haider Bhai again you have deleted my comments of today number 63 in reply to your good advices and opinions.What for you all have opened this site to see only one side of a coin and stand on a top saying i am the above all.
    Praise be to Allaah.
    What he must do is adhere to the truth which is indicated by the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him), and his friendship and enmity must be based on that. Any party or group that goes against the truth, he must disavow himself thereof and not agree with it. The religion of Allaah is one: it is the straight path, it is worship of Allaah alone and following His Messenger Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him).

    What every Muslim must do is adhere to this truth and follow it; it is obedience to Allaah and following His sharee’ah which was brought by His Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him), being utterly sincere to Allaah in doing so and not devoting any act of worship to anyone other than Him, may He be glorified and exalted. Every group that goes against this and every party that does not adhere to this belief, he must distance himself therefrom and disavow himself of it and call its people to the truth on the basis of shar’i evidence and with kindness, and he should seek out useful means of doing so to show the truth to them clearly.

    • 65

      Haider said,

      I started this site to spread the love of Sayyiduna Rasul’Allah (Sall’Allahu Ta’ala ‘alayhi wa’alihi wa’sallam). And yes, I intended people to see only one side of the coin, the side which increases our love for Sayyiduna Rasul’Allah (Sall’Allahu Ta’ala ‘alayhi wa’alihi wa’sallam).

      From your previous comments (some which have been deleted), it is obvious what your affiliations are, which Scholars you accept and what opinions you adhere to.

      If you would like to debate any matters please head over to sites that cater for such needs. I recommend YaNabi.com or sunninews.wordpress.com.

      Ya Hussain Madad!
      Ya Hassan Madad!

  59. 66

    imanwala said,

    Haider Bhai
    I love you as a brother why again you want to get rid of me and my comments Iam a musalmaan and my affiliations regarding scholars are nowhere they are also our muslim brothers or you can give easy fatwas and declare them kafirs usually your group does give this sort of cheap fatwas to avoid the true facts and knowledge of Islam.
    Please advise me regarding the truth and Islam given to ummah by the Holy Prophet of Islam in the light of Holy Quran and Sahih Hadith.
    See and let see your people the coins minted{TRUE ISLAM} in Makkah and Madinah by The Holy Prophet of Islam SAW and His Holy Companions The Sahabas.

  60. 67

    imanwala said,

    YA >>>>MADAD YA>>>>MADAD
    Read my comments Haider bhai dont get furiated or angry please clarify it.

    Praise be to Allaah.
    It is not permissible to call upon anyone other than Allaah, whether at times of ease or times of hardship, no matter how great the status of the one who is called upon, even if he is a Prophet who is close to Allaah, or one of the angels, because du’aa’ is a form of worship.


  61. 68

    Haider said,


    There is plenty of material out there regarding any questions you may have. Please try the Google search engine as a starting point.

    As I have said before: “If you would like to debate any matters please head over to sites that cater for such needs. I recommend YaNabi.com or sunninews.wordpress.com.”

    You said, “your group does give this sort of cheap fatwas to avoid the true facts and knowledge of Islam.”I will not make simmilar comments that are un-ethical and based on assumtions. You claim to be my brother, yet you insult my fellow brothers by your sweeping statements. Where is the morallity in that?

    Finally, I kindly ask you to respect the rules of this site.

    “You can fly like a butterfly,
    and sting like a bee.
    But there is noting like saying Ya Ali!”

  62. 69

    imanwala said,

    Haider Bhai Assalam alaikum,
    Yes of course even now I am your brother this is my Mashwara only please gather right information in matters of frequently asked questions you have a lovely site develop it.I dont want materials Allah have given sufficient for my life term.
    I am an ordinary Muslim and debating is not my goal regarding hurting and insulting you and your brothers are also not my intents.Always I read your comments and Iam reading now please tell me the ethics of ISLAM.I have known from our seniors brothers should choose for brothers whjat the best is for ownself you eat ghee and I be looking at you no no.Though Iam not a Shia just now I read the news and I thought to pass on you.
    Brother I am not a Boxer like Md Ali Clay flying and stinging Iam your brother in Islam.You should have quoted some Hadith of Holy Prophet SAW that would be fine to learn and love of The Holy Prophet Muhammed SAW would be seen and increased in ones soul mind heart.

    Mere love of ‘Ahle-bait” does not make one a true Muslim: Kalbe Jawad Shia Cleric.
    Lucknow: “Mere love of Ahle-bait will not make you a true Muslim, or ensure your entry into heaven. Following the tenants of Islam like namaaz, roza, zakat etc are essential for this,” said Shia cleric and Imam-e Jumma, Syed Kalbe Jawwad. The maulana was addressing evening majlis at Sibtainabad Imambara situated in the heart of Lucknow.

    Emphasiszing the importance of the practical and compulsory aspects of Islam the cleric said that for all the true followers of Hazrat Ali it is important that they understand that he himself not just preached but practiced all the tenants of Islam.

    “Anyone who is not close to Medina is not close to Ali and anyone who is not close to masjid is also not close to Ali,” said the cleric, addressing a huge gathering of mourners commentrating the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Husain, grandson of Prophet who along with his family and friends of 72 fought the Battle of Karbala for righteous and refused to bow down to the commands of the then ruler of Iraq Yezid. Mohrarrum moon was sighted on 18th December this year.

    Illustrating his point that practical Islam must not be neglected by followers of Shiaism the maulana said that just as it is essential to carry both your ration card and the money if you want to get food grain at subsided rate it is also essential to carry both the love of Ali as well as other tenants of Islam to ‘buy’ for yourself a place in heaven.

    Citing an example of the great love that the Prophet had for Ali, who was also his son in law, the cleric narrated an incident, Angel Gibraiel informed Prophet Mohammed that two wrestles were heading towards him with the intention of killing him. The Prophet narrated this whole incident in front of his followers. He asked someone to go forward and catch these killers who were very powerful. Nobody got up to go except Ali, Prophet rejected his request. Ali thrice seeked permission to go but each time the Prophet refused to give him permission. The fourth time when Ali asked the Prophet allowed him to go. After sometime when Ali did not return the Prophet asked someone from the gathering to go and find out where Ali was. This time there were many who wanted to go. They were confident that brave Ali must have already killed the two wrestlers.

    By telling the gathering to go look for Ali was a way by which Prophet wanted the Muslims to know that he wanted them to practice in his lifetime to “follow Ali’s footprints .”

  63. 70

    imanwala said,

    Haider bhai you are totally avoiding the comments written by me but why ? Whats the reason how are you going to spread and give the message of lovefrom the Holy Prophet of Islam is this your tolerance.Please learn to keep patience and tolerance its our Prophets Sunnah.You are victimising me and other people by not giving to share the knowledge of Islam you delete and delete but cannot deny the facts of truth i.e Islam.
    If you are deleting my comments recycle it nicely but it seems you are keeping out of context comments to show and prove my hatred,ignoranceand incompassion to your people very clever foxy ideas from you.
    Again yesterday you have deleted my comments many many thanks for the same I will tolerate and keep patience and keep on commenting the the truth and facts as much as I know.

  64. 71

    Haider said,

    imanwala, may I ask the reason for your lecture on the Shias. Just because I have mentioned the name of Sayyiduna Ali (alayhi salam), do you now think I’m Shia?

    Anyway, as I have said, this is not a debate site and certain material will not be accepted for many reasons. If you want to share a Sunnah or talk about the Seera of Sayyiduna Rasul’Allah (Sall’Allahu Ta’ala ‘alayhi wa’alihi wa’sallam) then please do go ahead, Insha’Allah.

    But any topics that cause disruption will not be accepted. This site is about love, not debates. Hope you understand, Insha’Allah.

    If you want to talk about other topics in detail then please head over to the 2 websites I have mentioned, Insha’Allah.

    Ya Nabi Madad!

  65. 72

    imanwala said,

    Haider Bhai ,
    I love to know more about The Greatest and Seal of all prophet’s Prophet Mohammed SAW.
    Please put some light on my comments.
    (Anyway, as I have said, this is not a debate site and certain material will not be accepted for many reasons. If you want to share a Sunnah or talk about the Seera of Sayyiduna Rasul’Allah (Sall’Allahu Ta’ala ‘alayhi wa’alihi wa’sallam)Insha’Allah.(HAIDER’S REPLY)
    then please do go how he appeared in the eyes of some of the Non-Muslim writers.,

    If ever any man on this earth has found God; if ever any man has devoted his life for the sake of God with a pure and holy zeal then, without doubt, and most certainly that man was the Holy Prophet of Arabia.
    (Islam, its Moral and Spiritual Values, p. 9; 1909, London)

    Talking about the immence influence of Muhammad on world history he wrote:

    In the year 565 Justinian died, master of a great empire. Five years later Muhammad was born into a poor family in a country three quarters desert, sparsely peopled by nomad tribes whose total wealth could hardly have furnished the sanctuary of St. Sophia. No one in those years would have dreamed that within a century these nomads would conquer half of Byzantine Asia, all Persia and Egypt, most of North Africa, and be on their way to Spain. The explosion of the Arabian peninsula into the conquest and conversion of half the Mediterranean world is the most extraordinary phenomenon in medieval history.
    Almighty God has provided for all our physical needs. The Holy Quran says:

    He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth.
    And He has subjected to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth; all this is from Him.
    Just as Almighty God has taken care of all our physical needs, He has also provided for our spiritual and moral needs. For this purpose He has been sending His Messengers and Reformers in all parts of the world among all nations from time to time. Thus the Holy Quran says:
    And there is no people to whom a Warner has not been sent.
    And there is a guide for every people.
    Whenever there is decay of Dharma (i.e., religion) and there is spread of Adharma (i.e. irreligion) then for the protection of the poor and the good and for the destruction of the evil-doers, I shall appear from age to age.
    (Srimad Bhagrat Gita 4:7,8)
    In accordance with these teachings, Almighty God has been sending innumerable messengers for the spiritual progress of mankind. Among these have been Prophets Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, (peace be on all of them). Ultimately when the human mind attained its full development and the time approached when mankind was about to become one people, the system of sending different messengers for different nations was terminated and Almighty God sent the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, as an exemplar for all mankind. He appeared in Arabia about 1400 years ago. Addressing him God says in the Holy Quran:
    Say, O Mankind! truly I am a Messenger to you all from Allah to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and He causes death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Prophet, the Immaculate one, who believes in Allah and His words, and follow him that you may be rightly guided.
    It is a historic fact that the teachings of prophets who preceded the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, were limited to particular people and particular ages. On the other hand the message of Islam is of universal nature. The Holy ProphetSAW was sent as a mercy for all rnankind. The Holy Quran says:
    And We have sent thee not but as a mercy for all peoples.
    Previous scriptures such as the Vedas of the Hindus contain numerous prophecies pertaining to the advent of the Holy ProphetSAW. The Holy Quran says:
    Those who follow the Messenger, the Immaculate one, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel which are with them. He enjoins on them good and forbids them evil, and makes lawful for them the good things and forbids them the bad, and removes from them their burdens and the shackles that were upon them. So those who shall believe in him, and honour and support him, and follow the light that has been sent down with him – these shall prosper.
    This lengthy passage from the Holy Quran not only mentions the purpose of the advent of the Holy ProphetSAW but also states that earlier scriptures contain prophecies regarding his advent. Not only the Jewish and Christian scriptures but also the Hindu scriptures contain many prophecies about the Holy Prophet of IslamSAW.
    Among the four Vedas of the Hindus, Athra Veda occupies a prominent position. It is also known as Brahma Ved (i.e. Divine knowledge). It contains the following prophecy:

    O people! listen to these words with reverence. A very praise-worthy person will appear among the people. He will accept him from among 60090 enemies. His means of transport would be 20 camels . His name will soar high and then return. This great Rishi will have 100 gold coins, 10 pearl necklaces, 300 Arab horses and 10,000 cows.
    (Athra Ved Kantam 20-127, 70-1-3)
    Here many characteristics of the Holy ProphetSAW have been mentioned . The Promised Rishi is called praiseworthy. The word Muhammad itself means worthy of praise. He and his companions used camels as means of transport whereas for the Rishis of India, the use of camel is forbidden (Manu Smrithi 5:8). When the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, appeared in Arabia, the population of the Arabs was stated as a little more than 60,000. The entire population had become his enemies. Almighty God protected him against his enemies. The Holy Quran also says:
    And Allah will protect thee from men.
    Soaring high and returning refers to his experience of Miraj (Spiritual Ascent). The 100 gold coins refer to his companions who migrated twice to Abyssinia. The 10 pearl necklaces signify Ashra-Mubashera, the ten companions of the Holy ProphetSAW, regarding whom God gave the glad tidings of Paradise in this world itself. These are Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman, Ali, Talha, Zubair, Abdur Rahman ibn Auf, Sa’ad ibn Abi Waqqas, Sa’ad ibn Zaid and Abu Ubaidah (may Allah be pleased with them). The 300 Arab horses signify the 300 companions of the Holy Prophet who took part in the battle of Badr. They numbered 313. Eight of them could not participate in the battle. One of them died before the battle, and four of them were small children. Thus the actual number of people who fought in the battle of Badr together with the Holy Prophet was 300. 10,000 cows signify the ten thousand holy people who entered Mecca triumphantly with him on his return. It is worthy of note that the number 10,000 is also mentioned in the Bible.
    Bhavisyath Puran also contains a prophecy regarding the advent of the Holy Prophet SAW. Maharishi Vyas Muni occupies an emminent position among the Hindus because of his vast knowledge and wisdom, and God-given capabilities. In addition to other religious literature, he has written 18 Puranas such as Brahma Puran, Bhagath Puran. The 18th Puran is named Bhavisyath Puran. It contains prophecies pertaining to the future. According to the beliefs of the Hindus this book contains Divine revelations and prophecies. This Bhavisyath Puran contains the following prophecy regarding the Holy Prophet:

    A spiritual reformer will come from a foreign land (outside Bharat) with his disciples (companions). His name will be Mahamad (Muhammad). He will dwell in a desert.
    (Bhavisyath Purana 3:5-8)
    Here the name of the spiritual reformer is clearly given as Muhammad. Generally in the Vedas all countries outside Bharat are referred to as Mlech. The foreign land is said to be in a desert. Here the Holy Prophet’s companions are especially mentioned. Perhaps there is hardly any other prophet who had so many companions who had moulded their lives in the manner of their prophet. Maharishi Vyas Muni has mentioned the following qualities of this Muhammad Rishi and his followers:
    His followers will perform circumcision. They will not keep their hair in the form of Choti as the Brahmans do. They will keep beard. They will bring about a revolution. They will call with a loud voice (i.e., instead of using a bell to call the people for prayer, they will call people to prayer in a loud voice by ‘Azan’). They will eat meat of animals other than that of swine. They will attain purity through Jihad (fighting in the cause of Allah). Their civilization will be called Muslay (Muslim).
    (Bhavishyat Puran Vol. 3 verse:3)
    Without any interpretation, all these characteristics agree completely with the characteristics of the Holy Prophet of Islam SAW and his followers. In short, all the prophecies of the divine books of the Hindu religion have been fulfilled in the person of the Holy Prophet of Islam.
    The Holy Prophet SAW gathered together all the nations and religions on a common platform on the basis of their own teachings which are founded on Divine Unity. He gave the message of equality of mankind and universal brotherhood. The Holy Quran says about itself:

    Therein are lasting commandments.
    That is, it contains the essence of the teachings of all religious books. The teachings of the Holy Quran are simple and universal.
    In short, the Holy Prophet, achieved magnificent success in his mission which even non-Muslim orientalists confirm. Thus Reverend Bosworth Smith, M.A. writes:

    By a fortune absolutely unique in history Muhammad is a three-fold founder of a nation, of an empire, and of a religion and is revered to this day by a sixth of the whole human race as a miracle of purity, of style, of wisdom and of truth.
    The German orientalist Noldeke writes:
    Most successful of all prophets and religious personalities.
    (Encyclopaedia Brittannica:Quran)
    O Allah, Shower Thy Mercy and Thy Blessings on the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him, and his progeny). Thou Art the Praiseworthy, the Lord of Honour.

  66. 74

    imanwala said,

    Haider bhai,

    plz diffrentiate between Ahle Sunnah & Ahle Shia their similiarties and aqidas in the light of Quran and Hadiths.

    • 75

      Haider said,

      I am sure there is plenty of information on the Internet about this. A man of your knowledge will find the information very useful, Insha’Allah.

  67. 76

    imanwala said,

    Birth, Childhood and Prophethood
    The Prophet (saw) was born in the year 571 C.E. into the tribe of Quraish, deemed the noblest by all the Arabs, in Makkah, which was the religious and commercial capital of the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabs would perform pilgrimage to Makkah and circumambulate the Ka’bah, the structure built by their ancestor the Prophet Abraham and his son, the Prophet Ishmael, may God praise them both, as the first house of worship for God.
    The Prophet (saw) was an orphan since his father passed away before he was born and his mother died when he was six years old. He was taken under the care of his grandfather, Abdul‐Muttalib, and when he died, his uncle, Abu Talib, took charge of him. His tribe as well as the other Arab worshipped idols made from stone, wood and even gold, and some of these idols were placed around the Ka’bah. People believed that the idols could ward off harm or bring benefit.
    Even before he was chosen by God as a prophet Muhammad (saw) was known as the most trustworthy and honest person, and because he never behaved treacherously, or cheated he was known among his people as ‘Al‐Ameen’, ‘The Trustworthy’. People would entrust him with their valuables when they wanted to travel. He was also known as ‘As‐Sadiq’ or ‘The Truthful’ for he never told a lie. He was well mannered, well‐spoken, and loved to assist people in need. His people loved and
    revered him for his many beautiful traits and good manners. God, the Exalted, says:
    Indeed you are of a great moral character. [68:4]
    The famous Scottish historian and writer, Thomas Carlyle (d. 1885) wrote in his book: ‘Heroes, Hero‐Worship and the Heroic in History’:
    But, from an early age, he had been remarked as a thoughtful man. His companions named him ʺAl Amin, The Faithful.ʺ A man of truth and fidelity; true in what he did, in what he spoke and thought. They noted that he always meant something. A man rather taciturn in speech; silent when there was nothing to be said; but pertinent, wise, sincere, when he did speak; always throwing light on the matter. This is the only sort of speech worth speaking! Through life we find him to have been regarded as an altogether solid, brotherly, genuine man. A serious, sincere character; yet amiable, cordial, companionable, jocose even ‐ a good laugh in him withal: there are men whose laugh is as untrue as anything about them; who cannot laugh. A spontaneous, passionate, yet just, true‐meaning man! Full of wild faculty, fire and light; of wild worth, all uncultured; working out his life ‐ takes in the depth of the Desert there.
    He () never partook in any falsehood; drank intoxicants, bowed to a statue or idol or took an oath by them or sacrificed to them any offering. For some time he was a shepherd over a flock of sheep belonging to his people. The Prophet () said:
    ‘Every prophet commissioned by God was a shepherd over a flock of sheep.’ His companions asked him: ‘Even you, O Messenger of God?’ He said: ‘Yes, I would take care of a flock of sheep for the people of Makkah.’ (Bukhari 2143) 1
    The Prophet (saw) liked to seclude himself in the Cave of Hira before he was commissioned as a prophet, spending many nights at a time.
    At the age of forty, the Prophet (saw) received divine revelation while at that cave, as A’ishah, may God be pleased with her,2 explains:
    The first thing that God’s Messenger (saw) received while in the Cave of Hira in Makkah were good visions (as revelations in dreams). Every time he had a dream it would come true and as clear as the split of the dawn. Later on God’s Messenger () began to love being alone in meditation. He spent lengthy periods for days and nights to fulfill this purpose in the cave before returning back to his family. He would take a supply of food for his trip. When he came back to his wife Khadeejah, may God be pleased with her,3 he would get a fresh supply of food and go back to the same cave to continue his meditation.
    1 The wisdom of this is mentioned as preparation for dealings with people by first learning to deal with animals, and herding goats and sheep makes one more loving and tender hearted that the coarseness developed from cattle, horse and camel raising and herding.
    2 A wife of the Prophet (saw).
    3 Khadeejah was the first wife of the Prophet.(saw)
    While he was in the Cave of Hira the Angel Gabriel came to Muhammad (saw and commanded him to read. Muhammad (saw) replied, ”I cannot read!“ Gabriel embraced Muhammad (saw) until he could not breathe, and then let him go saying, ”O Muhammad! Read!“ Again, Muhammad (saw) replied, ”I cannot read!“ Gabriel embraced Muhammad (saw for the second time. He then ordered him to read for the third time, when he did not he embraced him tightly until he could not breathe, and then released him saying, ”O Muhammad!
    Recite with the Name of Your Lord Who has created (all that exists). He has created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood: Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous.(96:1‐3)
    The Messenger of God (saw) returned home trembling in fear. He entered his home and told Khadeejah: “Cover me, cover me!“ Khadeejah covered Muhammad (saw) until he felt better. He then informed her about what happened to him in the Cave of Hira. He said, ”I was concerned about myself and my well‐being.“ Khadeejah assured Muhammad (saw saying:
    By God! You don’t have to worry for God the Exalted will never humiliate you! You are good to your kith and kin. You help the poor and needy. You are generous and hospitable to your guests. You help people who are in need.
    Khadeejah took her husband Muhammad (saw) to a cousin of hers named Waraqah ibn Nawfal ibn Asad ibn Abdul Uzza, who had become a Christian during the pre‐Islamic
    times (known as the Era of Ignorance). He was a scribe of the Scriptures in Hebrew but by that time in latter life had become blind. Khadeejah said to her cousin,
    ʺO cousin, listen to what your nephew [i.e. Muhammad ] is about to tell you!“ Waraqah said: ʺWhat is it you have seen, dear nephew?“
    The Messenger of God (saw) informed him of what he had seen in the Cave of Hira. Upon hearing his report, Waraqah said,
    ”By God! This is the Angel Gabriel who came to Prophet Moses, may God praise him. I wish I would be alive when your people will drive you out of Makkah!“ The Messenger of God (saw) wondered: ”Are they going to drive me out of Makkah?!” Waraqah affirmed positively saying, ”Never has a man conveyed a Message similar to what you have been charged with, except that his people waged war against him ‐ if I am to witness this, I will support you.”
    Waraqah lived only a short period after this incident and passed away. Revelation also stopped for a while.’ (Bukhari #3)
    The chapter of the Qur’an quoted in the hadeeth1 above marks the beginning when he was commissioned as a Prophet. God, the Exalted, then revealed to him:
    1 Hadeeth are the narrations of a statement, deed, tacit approval, or characteristic of the Prophet (). The sciences of Hadeeth developed to historically verify the authenticity of some narrations related by an
    O you who are ‐ enveloped (in garments); Arise and warn! And your Lord (Allah) magnify! And your garments purify! (74:1‐4)
    With the revelation of this chapter of the Qur’an the Prophet () began calling the Makkans to Islam openly. He began with his own relatives and tribe, but most of them refused adamantly to listen to himsince he was calling them to a matter which they had never witnessed before and was contradictory to the idolatry that was common among them for generations
    Islam is a complete way of life that deals with all religious, political, economical and social affairs. Not only does Islam call them to worship God alone and to forsake all idol worship but it also prohibited them from things they considered pleasurable, such as intoxicants, fornication, gambling, and consuming interest from debt. He called the people to be just and fair with one another, and to know that there was no difference between them except through piety. How could the Quraish, the noblest tribe amongst the Arabs, stand to be treated equally with those of less status and the slaves! Not only did they adamantly refuse to accept Islam but they persecuted him and called him crazy, a sorcerer and a liar to discredit him. They accused him of crimes they couldn’t have dared to before the advent of Islam. They incited the ignorant masses against him to harm him and to oppress and torture his
    unbroken chain of trustworthy narrators one upon another back to the Prophet himself d (saw), as apposed to the unreliable narrations or fabricated lies.
    companions. Abdullah b. Masood, a close companion of the Prophet (saw) said:
    While the Prophet () was standing up and praying near the Ka’bah, a group of Quraish were sitting in their sitting place, one of them said: “Do you see this man? Would someone bring the offal and bloody intestines from the camels of so and so, and wait till he prostrates, and then place it between his shoulders?” The most wretched amongst them volunteered to do it, and when the Prophet (saw prostrated, he put the filth between his shoulders, so the Prophet (saw) stayed in prostration. They laughed so hard that they were about to fall on each other. Someone went to Fatimah who was a young girl, and informed her of what had happened. She came towards the Prophet (saw in a hurry and removed the filth from his back, and then she turned around and she cursed the Quraishites who were sitting there. (Bukhari #498)
    Muneeb al‐Azdi, a companion of the Prophet (saw) said:
    I saw the Messenger of God in the Era of Ignorance saying to people: “Say ‘there is no god worthy of being worshipped except Allah,’ and you would be successful.” There were those who spat in his face, those who threw soil in his face, and those who swore at him until midday. When [once] a certain young girl came with a big container of water, he washed his face and hands and say: “O daughter, do
    not fear that your father will be humiliated or struck by poverty.” (Mu’jam al‐Kabeer # 805)
    Abdullah b. Amr al‐Aas, a companion of the Prophet () was asked about some of the evil the pagans did to the Prophet (), to which he replied:
    [Once a pagan] approached the Prophet () while he was praying near the Ka’bah and twisted his garment around his neck. Abu Bakr1 hurriedly approached and grabbed his shoulder and pushed him away saying: ”Would you kill a man just because he proclaims Allah to be his Lord, and because clear signs have come to you from your Lord?” (Bukhari 3643)
    These kinds of incidents did not stop the Prophet () from calling to Islam and he continued to preach his message to the tribes that came to Makkah for Hajj2. A group from Yathrib,a small city north of Makkah known today as Madeenah, believed in him and pledged to support him if he chose to emigrate there. He sent his companion Mus’ab ibn Umair with them to teach them the tenets of Islam. After all the oppression that the Muslims faced from their own people in Makkah God granted them the permission to emigrate to Madeenah where they were received with warmth, joy and hospitality. Madeenah became the capital of the new Islamic state from where Islam was spread far and wide.
    1 The closest companion to the Prophet (saw) and the first Caliph of Islam after his death.
    2 Pilgrimage to Makkah.
    The Prophet (saw) taught and practiced the rulings of God to the inhabitants of Madeenah who grew to love him more than they loved their own selves. They would rush to serve him and would spend all they had in the path of Islam to serve the cause of Allah. The society grew strong and rich in Faith, and the people’s happiness was evident in the spirit of unity, cooperation love, and brotherhood. The rich and poor, black and white, Arab and non‐Arab were all considered as equals and brothers in the religion of God without distinction among them except through piety and righteous action.
    After the Quraish learnt that the Prophet’s call had spread they were determined to curtail the spread of Islam. They fought him in the first battle in Islam, called the Battle of Badr and although they had superior numbers and weaponry, they were still defeated. The Muslims numbered only 314 whereas the pagans were 1000 strong, yet God gave a decisive victory to the Prophet (saw) and the Companions. A number of other battles took place between the Muslims and the pagans, and after eight years the Prophet (saw) was able to prepare an army 10,000 strong which conquered Makkah, and with this Muhammad (saw) overcame the people who had harmed and tortured him and his Companions with every conceivable cruelty – and yet he was extremely magnanimous in victory. The year of this decisive victory is called ‘The Year of the Conquest.’ Allah, the Exalted, says:
    When the victory of Allah has come and the conquest, and you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes, then glorify the Praises of your Lord and ask His forgiveness. Indeed, He is the One Who accepts the repentance and Who forgives. [110:1‐3]
    Upon the conquest, the Prophet (saw) addressed the inhabitants of Makkah and said to them:
    ”What do you think I will do to you?“ They answered: “You will only do something favorable; you are a kind and generous brother, and a kind and generous nephew!” The Prophet (saw) said: “Go ‐ you are free.“ (Baihaqi #18055)
    This grand amnesty prompted thousands to accept Islam. The Prophet (saw) later returned to Madeenah. After a period of time, the Prophet (saw intended to perform Hajj, so he headed towards Makkah with 114,000 Companions and performed Hajj. This Hajj is known as ‘Hajjatul‐Wadaa’ or the ‘Farewell Pilgrimage’ since the Prophet (saw) never performed another Hajj, and died shortly after he performed it.
    On the 9th of Dhul‐Hijjah at Mount Arafat, the Prophet (saw), delivered his farewell sermon. After praising Allah, he said:
    O People! Listen attentively to me for I do not know whether I will be among you after this year! Listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and convey
    these words to those who could not be present here today.
    O People! Just as you regard this month, this day, this city as sacred, so regard as sacred the life and property of every Muslim. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember, you will indeed meet your Lord and He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take usury; therefore all interest (and usury) obligations henceforth are abrogated . Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer inequity (in this affair). Beware of Satan for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in great things, so beware of following him in small things.
    O People! It is true that you have certain rights with regards to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right, then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not take as intimate friends those whom you do not approve of as well as to never be unchaste.
    O People! Listen to me in earnest; worship Allah, perform your five daily prayers, fast the month of
    Ramadhan, give alms and perform the pilgrimage (i.e. Hajj) if you can afford to. All mankind is from Adam and Adam is from clay. There is no superiority for an Arab over a non‐Arab, or for a non‐Arab over an Arab, or for a white over a black, or for a black over a white, except through piety. Know that every Muslim is a brother to every other Muslim and that the Muslims are one community. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim that belongs to another unless it was given freely and willingly: therefore do not, do injustice to yourselves.
    Remember that one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So beware! Do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone. O People! No prophet or messenger will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O people! And understand the words that I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, if you follow them you will never go astray: the Book of Allah (i.e. the Qur’an) and my Sunnah. All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O Allah, that I have conveyed Your Message to Your People.’
    The Prophet (saw) died in Madeenah, some reports stating on the 12th day of Rabi al‐Awal in the 11th year of Hijrah, and he was buried in Madeenah where he died. The Muslims were shocked when they learnt of his death and
    some Companions did not believe it. Umar was so perturbed he said: ‘Whoever says that Muhammad is dead, I will strike his neck !’ Abu Bakr then addressed the Muslims and read the words of God:
    Muhammad is not but a Messenger. Other messengers have passed away before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels to unbelief? And He who turns back on his heels will never harm God at all; but God will reward the grateful. [3:144]
    When Umar heard this verse, he stopped saying what he was saying, since he was always keen on applying the rules of God and refrain from any transgression. The Prophet () was 63 years of age when he died.
    The Prophet () stayed in Makkah for forty years before being commissioned as a Prophet. After commissioned as a Prophet he lived there for another thirteen years calling people to the pure monotheistic belief of Islam. He then migrated to Madeenah and stayed there for ten years continuing to receive revelation there and calling to Islam until the Qur’an and the religion of Islam were complete.
    The famous playwright and critic, George Bernard Shaw (d. 1950) said:
    I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to possess that assimilating capability to the changing phases of existence which make itself appeal to every age ‐ I have prophesized
    about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today. Medieval ecclesiastics, either through ignorance or bigotry, painted Muhammadanism in the darkest colours. They were, in fact, trained to hate both the man Muhammad and his religion. To them, Muhammad was an anti‐Christ. I have studied him, the wonderful man, and in my opinion, far from being an anti‐Christ, he must be called the Saviour of humanity.

  68. 77

    Muhammad Ismail Awan said,

    I am a sunny .love to those who call Ya rasool,Allah
    Love to those who love with pak nabi

  69. 78

    imanwala said,

    Love for the Prophet is a Condition of Faith
    At one level it seems clear why the faithful should love the Prophet: he is their teacher, guide and leader and it is impossible for him to teach, guide and lead them if they don’t love him. But there is a deeper meaning in the principle that love for the Prophet is essential for iman.

    Love of the Prophet is love of all the beauty and nobility of character, truthfulness, justness, humility and inner strength of which man is capable and which the Prophet as al-insan al-kamil (the Perfect man) possessed in the utmost degree. Love for the Prophet means to acknowledge, cherish and glorify all the potential of goodness and greatness that God has created within Man.

    It also means love of humanity, not just in regard to its potential for perfection but also despite its general inability to realize that potential and despite all kind of imperfections and weaknesses from which it suffers. For the Prophet is not only the Perfect Man but also the Representative Man who on the day of judgment will represent mankind and plead on their behalf for their imperfections and weaknesses before the throne of God.

    Thus love of the Prophet, on the one hand puts us on the road to perfection by making us cherish it dearly and on the other hand it helps us accept our imperfect humanity and in this way to live in peace with ourselves as repentant servants of God hopeful of His mercy. This is why love for the Prophet is a condition of iman, for what is iman if it is not to acknowledge and repent for one’s imperfections and weaknesses and to cherish and strive for – even as an unachievable ideal – the perfection of which man is potentially capable?

    There are two closely interconnected sides of iman. One is divine and consists of recognizing God and being at peace with Him. The other is recognizing one’s own self and being at peace with oneself. The two sides are like two sides of a coin, none of which can exist without the other. This is shown by numerous verses in the Qur’an and ahadith of the Prophet. For example, the Prophet is reported to have said that he who recognized his own self recognized his Lord. Approaching the same principle from the other direction, the Qur’an says:

    “that those who forget God are made to forget their own selves” (59:19).

    The word Islam means being at peace with God and this is linked in the Qur’an with being a self at peace with itself.

    The love of the Prophet represents the human side of faith. as man the Prophet represents a believers own true self. His love for the Prophet means that he has recognized his own true self and is at peace with himself which in turn means that he has recognized his Lord and made peace with Him by surrendering to Him.

  70. 79

    samina said,

    My name is samina. i m student of Al-Huda
    My teacher said there is no differnce in performing “SLAH”/”NAMAZ”
    for male & female.
    Is she true?
    i m so confused plz reply me with the reference of ?Hadith.

    • 80

      imanwala said,

      Sister Assalam alaykum,

      A woman performs Salaat in the same manner as a man does. However, there are certain differences which are enumerated hereunder:
      In the beginning of the First Raka’t , during the Takbeer Tahreemah, a woman does not raise her hands to her ears. She raises them only shoulder- level, and keeps them (the hands) concealed in her outer –garment (Jilbaab or Burqah.)
      When folding the hands, a woman places both palms on the chest – the right palm on top of the left palm.
      The Ruku’ of a female is a slight bow, with the rips of the fingers just touching the knees. The arms should be placed together with the sides of the body, and both ankles should touch each other.
      In Sajdah, her feet will not be kept erect but will be placed horizontally on the ground, pointing towards the right. She must not separate her arms from her body as a man does. She should draw her body inwards as much as possible, the stomach touching the thighs.
      In Jalsah and Qa’dah as well, she rests her posterior on the ground (instead of on her legs as is the case with a man) with both her feet spread out on her right side horizontally on the ground.
      In certain Salaats a man can recite the qiraat loudly but it is not permissible for a female to recite the Qiraat loudly.

      • 81

        Syeda said,

        Can you please point the refernce in Hadith or Quran for the above said explanation (namaz for women)

  71. 82

    asalaamualekum mujhe ilyas attar sahab ke mureed banna hai plz kuch kariye

    • 83

      imanwala said,

      Anjuman Tahaffuz-e-Iman

  72. 84

    plz kuch kariye koi mujhe galat address dekar mujhe attar sahab ke mureed hogaye hai kahe par koi mujhe bole wo galat website hai me kya karu kuch bolo

  73. 85


  74. 86

    Muhammad zeeshan said,

    allah karam kare
    mujhe dawate islami se piyar hai

  75. 87

    Hayath said,

    Jabtak Sufi nahi banoge Deen-E-Islam ke enaam jo allah ke inaam hain vo hum pe nahi barsenge. Islam aur mazhabon ki tarah hi nazar ayega. Jab mureed banoge tab hi vo abadi, vo rahmatein hame ata hogi.

  76. 88

    Rifath said,


    subhanallah this website is a true blessing from allah (SWT) and may the owner of this website live a long life inshallah

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